Thursday, March 21, 2019

Lent: Frame

We have a lot of picture frames in my house. We need them, for all the photos and art we have on display.

My kids have prints of classic art like "The Vetruvian Man" and "The Virgin on the Rocks" in their bedrooms, and on the fridge we've had originals like "Sleeping Beauty Descending a Staircase" and "The Big Bad Spotted Wolf." Around the living room are a zebra painted with coffee, a palm tree drawn in inks and this sunflower painted in oils, among many others.

Frames almost seem like an afterthought to the work, but they have a lot of potential to shape how people perceive the work that they're presenting. The wrong framing material can clash with the picture, tell a different story and provide so many distractions that anyone would be left wondering what the point was. But with the right framing, you can emphasize or draw out important details of the artwork, improve the story it tells, and make its beauty accessible in ways you never imagined. It just takes a little extra work.

For him with ears to hear.

Copyright © 2019 by David Learn. Used with permission.

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