Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Lent: Dazzling

Down in Alabama, a judge just ruled that a man can sue his ex-girlfriend because she didn't ask for his permission to get an abortion two years ago. In Ethiopia, 157 people died when their plane crashed; while in Washington, D.C., our government is captive to a vulgarian who spews hatred and lies every time he opens his mouth or goes on Twitter.

Sometimes it feels like we really are living in Plato's cave,and the vague and misshapen shadows are all we have to look at for knowledge or entertainment, which increasingly are becoming hard to separate.

But there is comfort. What Plato's cave-dwellers could arrive at only by the application of cold philosophy, we can see for ourselves.

Look up at the sky, and see the golden fire of the sun. Listen to the hooves of the horses of Helios as they beat their way steadily across the heavens from East to West. Let the sun's rays warm your face and listen as the earth and all the flowers that slumber within it begin to stir as the light falls.

We can discover beauty reflected in a mud puddle, but why settle for that? Lift your face to the sky and be dazzled.

Copyright © 2019 by David Learn. Used with permission.

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