Wednesday, March 04, 2020

Lent: Spirit

The wind comes like the breath of a lion, and leaves with the sigh of a lamb. We hear it approach, and we feel it come upon us; but we can mark neither its coming nor its going.

Buds swell in the spring and soon burst into flowers and leaves, and then branches hang heavy with fruit. In the morning breath fills the lungs of us all, beast and human alike. When night comes breath departs and the flesh grows still, yet no one knows where the breath has gone.

Flesh is born of flesh and returns to dust, but spirit is born of spirit and with spirit evermore remains.

Will these bones rise and dance, and will the dust echo once more with the music of singing? The spirit blows where it will, and we must answer.

Copyright © 2020 by David Learn. Used with permission.

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