Thursday, March 12, 2020

Lent: Seeks

There’s a saying attributed to Jesus in the gospels that goes like this: Seek and you shall find; knock, and the door will be opened; ask, and the gift shall be given.”

It all begins with our determination to seek. An old woman tears apart her house looking for the money she’d planned to live off in her old age. A jeweler looks for the deal of a lifetime. A heartsick father goes searching highways and ditches for his headstrong absent child.

The tricky thing about seeking is that what we think we're looking for and what we find aren't always the same thing. We tell everyone we want to climb the mountain; we may even describe with fascination the road to the peak and the wonders that wait at the top. But all the while, our feet tell a different story; the path we choose day to day takes us to the beach instead of even to the foothills.

Why the discrepancy? It's a question many of us face halfway to the finish line. Maybe we really do want to stand above the snowline and plant our flag there, in which case we need to make major changes and reset our daily priorities in order to realize our dreams. Maybe we once desired the blazing glory of the mountaintop but have a discovered a softer glory in obscurity. Or maybe we still want it, but have lost our way and are fighting a contrary current to push our way back and seek what was lost before it's too late and opportunity is gone forever.

What is it you seek? And are you seeking it in such a way that it will be found?

Copyright © 2020 by David Learn. Used with permission.

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