Tuesday, March 02, 2021

Lent: Word

The world is empty and void, and looking out over it are Steve Burns and his dog.

There is nothing there but the two of them, and Blue's "Big Bag of Words." As Blue brings out the words, one by one, the empty world begins to change. Tracks appear with a car big enough to carry Steve and Blue. They begin to ride, and as Blue pulls out a new word, a rock blocks their way. Another word, and the rock becomes too small to impede them, and the journey continues.

Such power in a word. It can fire passions and inspire loyalty, heal injury, tickle the soul, inflict pain beyond measure or create an unbreakable bond. 

Many words create space to equivocate and evade, but a single word provides such clarity that it demands a response. Dance. Eat. See. Love. 

An abandoned baby lay kicking by the road, unwanted and left in a ditch to die. Then someone came by and heard her crying. He picked her up and cradled her in his arms, and said one word.


All it takes is the power of words, and everything can change. 

(I wrote about this before.)

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