Saturday, December 05, 2020

Advent: Perceive

There are a lot of categories to things we know. There’s what we assume, what we’re told, and what we believe, for instance. There’s also what we read, what we experienced, and what we figured out the hard way, which is probably the stuff we value most and have the hardest time unlearning.

Then there’s what we perceive. It’s got a stronger basis than guesswork, and it’s not as blunt as what we figure out the hard way way. Perception goes beyond mere appearances and reaches the heart of the matter. It’s sound judgment with a sharp tip, and it goes far.

Perceived. You can almost see the analysis bowing back, hear the soft release of the bowstring and listen to the perceived truth slicing the air as it races forward.

I perceive you are a woman of integrity. I perceive I have done better than I hoped.

Advent is many things. Chief among these is the end to a period of profound and prolonged waiting, divinely ordained, that reveals the truth of our perceptions of what we have been waiting for.

May all your perceptions be accurate, and may they guide all your arrows home.

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